Traveling as a community: this is us!

What makes LitLifeFrance different from other types of travel? Simple. We take time and get to know each other before we leave.

In addition to our shared appreciation for France, our traveling groups of six (seven counting me) meet online in mini-courses and share perspectives. We explore by reading, watching movies, and discussing experiences. Each traveler also shares a basic profile and can sign in to their travel group’s online spaces for meetups and further exchanges.

Why six? For starters, 6:1 is a great student-to-teacher ratio. In my experience, it’s an optimal group size for roaming narrow streets, dropping into small boutiques, restaurants and cafés (Two tables? Aucun problème!).

Just think back to your last overseas travel experience: How many people did you meet in your group before you left? Did you know who was meeting you ‘on the ground?’

Did you know much about the neighborhood you’d be staying in before you arrived? Where the bus and subway stops were, which days the farmers market was held, the local bakery with the best bread, the hip bar, the nearest pharmacy or jogging path or yoga studio, current art shows and performances going on? LitLifeFrance helps you immerse, while still allowing for plenty of spontaneous discovery – one of the great joys of authentic travel.

Jeffrey Frank Kraft @jeffkraft